U225® EVO

intradermal injector

The new

intradermal injector

Boosted by its international reputation, U225 has just been made available in a version dedicated to gynaecological indications.

Developed in consultation with gynaecologists, 

U225 EVO is specially designed for external and internal treatments to correct plasticity and functional disorders of the female genital area.

Needle & Syringe Separation

This principle eliminates all vibration phenomena and ensures perfect linearity in the movement of the needle.

High reliability & precision

The U225 EVO, thanks to its unique locking system, limits product loss. Its design guarantees intensive use, high precision and proven reliability.

Adjustable injection depth

With the U225 EVO, the practitioner can finely adjust the penetration of the needle into the perineal and vaginal sphere, between 1 and 10mm.

U225 EVO, injecteur intradermique ou mesogun de Needle Concept, destiné à traiter la sphère vulvo-périnéale et  vaginale et plus spécialement  les sécheresses vulvo-perinéales et vaginales souvent à l’origine de la dyspareunie,  les zones de souffrance telles les cicatrices d’épisiotomie, l’hypotonie vaginale et le relâchement des parois et la prise en charge de la douleur périnéale, vestibulaire et intra-vaginale.

 The U225® EVO can be considered the ultimate tool for the restoration of the female genital area. It will treat current disorders and slow down aging, in order to preserve the functionality of this area. The main intervention areas include the vulvo-perineal area  and the vaginal part: vestibule, introitus  and intra-vaginal. The U225 EVO is perfectly adapted to each area, with a grip and features that allow the gynecologist to quickly carry out the prescribed treatment, injecting precisely and safely, the appropriate amount of product at the correct injection depth. The specificities of each area are thus respected and preserved. The patient is reassured.

Each U225® EVO is unique.  Designed, manufactured, assembled by hand in our premises by qualified technicians, - 7 hours are necessary for its complete assembly - with numerous checks carried out at the different stages of manufacturing, this is a guarantee of its high quality. The durability of the use of the U225® EVO intradermal injector is thus guaranteed and its acquisition can be made with complete confidence.

The U225 EVO is a class II.a medical device certified CE0459 and ISO 13485.
To be used at the discretion of the trained healthcare professional and under his responsibility.

Needle Concept® provides a warranty and after-sales service.

For any request about the U225 EVO and/or for a quote
TEL : +33 9 72 37 77 77

For technical assistance

Customer Service
TEL :  +33 7 68 02 96 70


Clockwork precision

Designed, manufactured and assembled by hand in France

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